Perhaps you’ve seen the latest commercials on WhatsApp, and how it offers privacy to you when you message people through it. WhatsApp is a company owned by Meta (Facebook). But can you trust WhatsApp and Meta? No, you can’t. There are multiple pieces...
As you may have heard, Peter “Mudge” Zatko raised issues as a whistleblower at Twitter, where he worked as head of security. He was brave to do this, and I applaud him for raising awareness of this critical issue. I’ve seen it in almost every company...
Why care about Mission and Vision Statements? Perhaps you’ve seen them, posted by an elevator, or on a company ‘About’ page, or on some lucite block on a manager’s desk: the Mission and Vision statement for a company. Why should we care about...
What we are doing to protect your privacy At TrueNews global, we understand the importance of keeping private data private and we are dedicated to being transparent regarding the use of your information. In this blog, I’m going to cover some of the steps we’ve taken...
Our Commitment to Your Personal Information TrueNews takes data privacy very seriously, but unfortunately, that isn’t the case with many companies despite regulatory efforts surrounding Personally Identifiable Information or PII. This is critical data about an...
How TrueNews can help sort “fact” from “fake” First, let me say, I am not picking on Axios for their reporting in this blog entry, and indeed, hope to work with them in the future as a contributor to TrueNews. The following serves to...