Why care about Mission and Vision Statements?
Perhaps you’ve seen them, posted by an elevator, or on a company ‘About’ page, or on some lucite block on a manager’s desk: the Mission and Vision statement for a company.
Why should we care about these, and why are they important for TrueNews and the larger supporting MeUs platform (more about that later)?
A Vision statement should be aspirational, what do we want to become, and give people (employees, investors and customers) a look at how the future will look if we achieve the mission.
My Vision for TrueNews
Become the place that people think of, and rely on, for finding and expressing their truth.
It’s as simple as that, free from the toxic environment of social media, and the biased directing of search engines, and finding your truth. Truth is subjective, see my blog entry for more discussion on that.
The Mission of Difference
If the Vision statement shows us what we want to be, the Mission statement tells how we’re going to get there.
For TrueNews.global: Provide a transparent, open product where people can create and consume news items, express their opinions, reward and track things they care about.
If an alien dropped out of the sky, they should be able to infer your vision from the operations and activities of the company (working towards the Mission) without ever reading it or meeting a single leader.
In addition to Vision and Mission, companies often also define a set of ‘Core Values’, which can be used as part of the planning process and help guide priorities, which then affect resource allocation, etc. We may talk about this in another blog entry, so check back.
Kirk Sullivan
Founder of TrueNews