When it comes to news, money shouldn’t talk

Only 34% of Americans trust the news, and for many of those who don’t, influence and advertising dollars are part of the reason why. Time and time again there have been incidents of editors cutting parts of a news story because it would shine a bad light on a person...

WhatsApp, Privacy and TrueNews

Perhaps you’ve seen the latest commercials on WhatsApp, and how it offers privacy to you when you message people through it. WhatsApp is a company owned by Meta (Facebook). But can you trust WhatsApp and Meta?  No, you can’t. There are multiple pieces...

The Difference Between Editorialized Writing and News Stories

In a world where “fake news” has become a catch-all phrase for anything we don’t agree with, it’s important to be able to distinguish between different types of writing. Today, we’re going to take a look at the difference between...

Coming back from stupid

Everybody knows someone who expresses opinions that mystify, regardless of where you stand politically. You have probably found yourself saying, “How can they think that? They don’t have a clue…”  TrueNews can help with this, I offer this viewpoint: It...

6 Tips for Recognizing Fake News

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to be able to recognize “fake news.” With the advent of social media, anyone can be a publisher, and that means that not all information out there is accurate....