In a world where “fake news” has become a catch-all phrase for anything we don’t agree with, it’s important to be able to distinguish between different types of writing. Today, we’re going to take a look at the difference between editorialized writing and news stories.
What is editorialized writing?
News stories are objective reports of events that have happened. They are based on facts, and they are not opinion pieces. Editorialized writing, on the other hand, is a type of writing that express opinions or reflects biases. This doesn’t mean that editorialized writing is necessarily inaccurate, but it does mean that it’s important to take everything you read with a grain of salt.
One example of editorialized writing would be an op-ed in a newspaper. Op-eds are usually written by people who are experts in their field, and they offer readers a different perspective on current events. However, because they are biased, they should not be used as your only source of information on a topic.
Another example of editorialized writing would be a review of a movie, book, or product. These reviews are also biased, but they can still be helpful in informing your decision about whether or not to see/read/buy something.
Recognizing the difference
The next time you’re wondering whether or not something is “fake news,” ask yourself if it’s an objective report of events or if it’s expressing opinions. If it’s the latter, then take everything you read with a grain of salt. You can find more tips here.
We’re looking forward to being your go-to for unbiased news articles packed with facts and evidence, instead of emotions and opinions. Stay tuned!