How TrueNews will make money without relying on advertising

When I tell people about TrueNews.Global, I’m often met with the question, “How will TrueNews make money?” First, let me talk about what we won’t do.

The desire for advertising revenue has driven companies like Facebook and Google to sacrifice their integrity and allow people to use their platforms with ill intentions. For example, check out this excellent article written by Karen Hao, that discusses how “Instant Articles” have allowed fake news organizations to influence entire nations. It’s scary – and worth the read, for sure.

That’s why isn’t based on an Advertising revenue model. We will eventually offer advertising capabilities, however, they will not be tied to TrueNews and can be controlled by each user.

TrueNews will make money through:

  • Services to News Creators (a small percentage)
    • Fees for moderation (most of which go to the moderators themselves)
    • Fees for technology assists (like translation, adult content detection, transcription, etc.)
    • Potential revenue if we allow creators to set view fees
    • Future polling fees if creators want polls integrated into their Stories
  • Viewing Fees
    • There are several models of fees we’re evaluating for Viewers, and we will provide additional information as we move closer to our launch.

My team and I aren’t here to get rich – we are here for the greater good. Our intent, since we’re a private company (and we intend to stay that way) is not to make more and more money or solely support “stakeholder value” above all else. Our intent is to provide a valuable resource while being able to take care of our teams and make a reasonable profit.

Kirk Sullivan

Kirk Sullivan
